
Diamond Vent Screens from Heating & Cooling Two, Inc.

Don’t risk the possibility of an animal chewing on a flame sensor, damaging the circuit board, burning out motors, or building a nest in the intake to the furnace, boiler, or hot water heater. Heating & Cooling Two, Inc. helps you avoid needless disruption and cost by way of an inexpensive solution. Diamond vent screens are designed as a guard for exhaust vents and the installation process is quick and non-invasive.

Protect Your Vents Yard-Round

Heating & Cooling Two, Inc. offers diamond vent screens that are compatible with almost all systems, enable maximum airflow and resist the buildup of ice, snow, and moisture. Proper installation is essential. Our NATE-certified technicians are knowledgeable and experienced. They adhere to strict protocols of service. As a family-owned and operated HVAC company, we’ve dedicated over four decades to solving problems, maximizing value, and ensuring peace of mind for our customers across Rogers, Dayton, Osseo, Champlin, Maple Grove, Otsego, Brooklyn Park, Plymouth, Corcoran, Anoka, Brooklyn Center, Medina, New Hope, Crystal, Wayzata, Orono, and Minnetonka, MN.

Diamond Vent Street Maintenance, Diamond Vent Screen Replacement, Diamond Vent Screen Installation, Diamond Vent Screen Service & Diamond Vent Screen Repair Rogers, MN, Dayton, MN, Osseo, MN, Champlin, MN, Maple Grove, MN & Otsego, MN

Diamond Vent Screen Replacement in Rogers, MN | Diamond Vent Screen Repair Dayton, MN | Diamond Vent Screen Service Osseo, MN

Diamond Vent Screen RepairDiamond Vent Screen ReplacementDiamond Vent Screen ServiceDiamond Vent Street MaintenanceDiamond Vent Screen Installation ∴ Maple Grove, MN ∴ Dayton, MN ∴ Osseo, MN

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Orono, MN

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New Hope, MN

Crystal, MN

Brooklyn Center, MN

Medina, MN

Anoka, MN

Wayzata, MN

Corcoran, MN